Sales of LED lighting products and their components

Transform your space with innovative lighting

About our company

Discover the talented individuals behind our lighting designs.

Our products are sold under the brand name S.V.E.T. in Kenya. Our employees have the most experience in the country working with LED lighting systems.

We control the development & production of LED lamps, strips and other components at every stage.

Innovative solutions and stylish design

Discover our unique and stylish lighting devices that will elevate any room. Experience the perfect blend of functionality and design.

Elevate any space and create an ambience that captivates.

We use only the best components and materials to ensure the durability and reliability of our products.

The product range is constantly being updated and extended through innovations of industry leaders.

You can buy products in stock or order them from catalogs.

Contact us today
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Contacts and Location

Feel free to email, call, and visit us. We would love to communicate with our clients.

We are willing to cooperate with architects, designers and all the interested construction companies.

+254 710750750
44 Riverside Drive, Kenya, Nairobi
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